Believe it or not, but this photo didn’t take to much effort to make. Most of the time when I want to end up with a unique and inspiring photo I go out into the field and it takes planning and preparation but every now and then great photos don’t take much effort at all. This photo was shot from the backyard. I noticed while still in bed that the sky started to turn pink and purple because of the rising sun. I grabbed the camera, the newly bought 70-200mm lens from Canon and went out into the garden. Our house it located near the edge of the city which makes it possible for us to see loads of birds flying over, especially at sunset and sunrise.

Birds at Sunrise
Birds at Sunrise

All I had to do was wait for the right moment. I have to say that it took me a while though before I was able to capture a great composition without the distraction of clouds that were coming into frame all the time.

This photo was taken on that same morning. The colors were so beautiful.