A tiny bit of rain, just before golden hour gave the loose sand on the beach a very nice and even structure. Even though I spend most of my time on the beach that day, I couldn’t resist going back in the evening. It had been a great day with loads of sun, but just before dinner some clouds and rain came in. Not much and while we were enjoying dinner things started to look better again. So after dinner, around 8 o’ clock I went back to the beach only to find that there was hardly anybody left and the sun was turning everything to gold. Lucky me.

Evening at the Beach - Series - 02
Evening at the Beach – Series – 02

This photo is part of a series called ‘Light at the Beach’. If you want more than just this photo than you can consider printing both images and combine them into a diptych.

The other photo in this series can be found here.

Evening at the Beach - Series - 01
Evening at the Beach – Series – 01