I took this photo two and a half years ago. I was driving home and noticed the setting sun. Realizing I was driving through an area that I had spotted a couple of months earlier decided me to try and catch sunset. So I parked the car, grabbed the camera bag and started hiking. The downside was, that it was bloody freezing and I did not bring any gloves. Fortunately the hike wasn’t that long and I was able to grab some pretty awesome photo’s, this being the second favorite of that evening. The first one can be found here.

Cold Winter Sunset
Cold Winter Sunset

I also took this photo in portrait mode (vertical). Most of the time I tend to prefer images in portrait format (vertical)but with this image the landscape format is my favorite.

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Is doesn’t have to be summer to catch a great sunset. This was taken last winter on a freezing cold day. I forgot the gloves so by the time the sun was gone my fingers were nearly frozen but anything for a great photo right? 😉✌🏽📷 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ @wwebbs @sbbeww ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #sunset #winter #somewheremagazine #ifyouleave #phornography #onbooooooom #oftheafternoon #solarcollective #yetmagazine #subjectivelyobjective #anotherescape #lightzine #exploreobserveshare #ourmag #expomag #noicemag #photozine #takemagazine #hippomag #burnmagazine #gominimalmag #verybusymag #oksfieldmag #visualvoicemag #lekkerzine #aperturefoundation #paperjournalmag #myfeautureshoot #photozine

Een bericht gedeeld door Wouter van der Weerd (@wwebbs) op